Life candle holders
The Reichsführer of the SS gave special gifts on the occasion of special events at events of his “black order” or in the life of the SS members. These include e.g. the well-known Yul candle holders and Yul plates.
A little-known honor by Himmler was the lamp of life. Theodor Kärner, a professor at the Munich Art Academy since 1938, designed the large candle holder in 1942 based on the so-called birth candle holder (model number “89”) from Carl Diebitsch. This candle holder, manufactured in the SS porcelain factory Allach, was created on the occasion of the “3rd or 4th war child ”, who was born in an SS family, is given away. The given child’s first name and date of birth were engraved on one of the candle holder feet.
In the case of the life candle holder that were initially produced, the candle holder only had a circumferential children’s frieze, the later ones under the children’s frieze had an encircling label: “In the clan of eternal chain you are only one link”. There is the candle holder with a label on the bottom also with a facsimile dedication signature “All good wishes for our people, for your clan, for your parents, for you! H. Himmler”.
Another, but very rare and hardly known variant is the version of the children’s frieze chandelier with a banner in Gothic instead of the Latin script.
Whether referred to as a birth candle holder, life candle holder, light for life, or children’s frieze candle holder, it is in any case an object that should be used in the festive customs that should be formed in the new worldview around the birthday.
Life candle holder with banner in latin script
In the clan of eternal chain you are only one link
Life candle holder with banner in Gothic script
In the clan of eternal chain you are only one link